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29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
20 October 2024


Mark 10 V45.jpg

  Events this next week

Monday 21 October

7pm Te Reo in the Narthex


Tuesday 22 October

9am Morning Prayer

11am Parata Service

7pm Vestry - all welcome


Wednesday 23 October

9.30am Eucharist Service

12pm Ministers Association


Thursday 24 October

9am Morning Prayer

10.30am Bible Study in the Narthex

12pm Soup and Buns


Friday 25 October

9am Morning Prayer

10.15am Home Group at 4 Lennox Street

Bold Title


Eternal God, you have given us one baptism for the remission of sins; grant that we who are born of water and the Spirit and made members of Christ, may be one in inward faith and outward service; through Jesus Christ

our Lord. Amen.

Soup and Buns

Come and join us on a Thursday at 12 o'clock in the Narthex to enjoy soup and buns and friendship,


8am  on the first Sunday of the month

             followed by breakfast


10am every Sunday followed by morning



9.30am every Wednesday followed by

              morning tea


7.30pm at Waikaka on the first

               Wednesday of the month


2pm at Tapanui on the third Wednesday of

               the month

We support the Dunbar family who are working in Phnom Penh , Cambodia.  The new school year started in October and we have been asked to pray for the three children as they begin this new academic year.  You can help support them by direct giving into the parish account - 060923-0004683-00 and entering Dunbar with the deposit.

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