The Anglican Parish of
Gore and Districts
~ where faith and life meet ~
Our People
Vicar: Rev’d Gary Griffith-Smith 03 208 7366 or 027 267 0030
Office Administrator: Dr. Hannah Stewart.
Parish Office: 15 Traford Street, Gore 03 208 7366
Local Priests: Rev’d Bruce Cavanagh 03 208 4538 or 021 02951283
Permission to Officiate: Rev’d Maud Milligan 03 208 5664 or 027 682 4324
Vicar’s Warden: Patricia Tytler 03 208 5684 or 027 367 6806
People's Warden: Robyn Pahl 027 436 4822
Vestry Secretary/Treasurer: Anne Gover 03 208 5235 or 027 311 0625
Parata Chaplain: Lois Shallard 03 208 0031 or 027 617 2215
Mataura: Rosemary Dunlop 03 203 8050
Riversdale: Hilary Riordan 021 107 9280
Tapanui: Esme Sim 03 204 2272
Waikaka: Pat Childs 03 207 2746
Office: Phone 208 7366 - Email:
Caring in the Parish Family — If anyone is in hospital could a family member or friend please let us know so that Pastoral Care and support from the Hospital Visiting Team can be arranged.
If you know of anyone who is sick, or is unwell at home please let us know so that appropriate help can be available, including Home Communion.
Parish Prayer Register—for those with particular ‘crisis needs’. These names require the permission of those mentioned and are printed in the weekly Link for continuing prayer-care. As this list is for crisis needs only, names will be removed after four weeks, but may be extended if necessary.